The keto diet has become increasingly popular over the last few years – and it’s not hard to see why! It provides fast and impressive results for people hoping to lose weight, gain muscle, or alter their body shape in some way.
However, it can be a rather restrictive diet. Due to the fact that it limits foods that are high in carbohydrates, many staple ingredients are off the table.

And, many foods that you’d assume would be low in carbohydrates, are actually not!
For instance, many fruits are actually rather high in carbohydrates, and as such, shouldn’t be consumed on the keto diet. To learn whether you can consume pineapple on the keto diet, check out the ultimate guide below.
We cover everything you need to know, from the specific nutritional profile of pineapple, to what keto-friendly fruits you should be eating, and everything in between! Check it out, you’ll be a keto-expert in no time.
Pineapple Nutritional Profile
Pineapple is absolutely loaded with nutrients and is very low in calories. This makes its nutritional profile particularly impressive.
Check out the table below to see for yourself – it described the nutrients and minerals in 1 cup of pineapple chunks.
Calories | 83 |
Fat | 1.7g |
Protein | 1g |
Carbohydrates | 21.6g |
Fiber | 2.3g |
Vitamin C | 88% of Daily Value |
Manganese | 109% of Daily Value |
Vitamin B6 | 11% of Daily Value |
Copper | 20% of Daily Value |
Thiamine | 11% of Daily Value |
Folate | 7% of Daily Value |
Potassium | 4% of Daily Value |
Magnesium | 5% of Daily Value |
Niacin | 5% of Daily Value |
Pantothenic Acid | 7% of Daily Value |
Riboflavin | 4% of Daily Value |
Iron | 3% of Daily Value |
Pineapple Health Benefits
So, with a nutritional profile like that, you’d expect pineapple to have some impressive health benefits – and it really does! Check out the health benefits of eating pineapple below.
Contains Powerful Antioxidants
Pineapples are rich in antioxidants. These help your body to fight off free radicals that may end up causing diseases and health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and immunity issues.
They are especially rich in flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Whilst more work is needed to confirm these results, some studies on rats have shown that these antioxidants found in pineapple are likely to protect the heart.
Helps Digestion
In a number of different countries, pineapple is often served alongside heavy meals or meat to help aid in digestion.
In fact, pineapple contains bromelain, a group of digestive enzymes that are thought to help with the digestion of meat specifically.
Bromelain aids in breaking down protein molecules into amino acids and their other building blocks.
Once this has happened, the small intestine has an easier time absorbing them. Pineapple is also a good source of fiber which significantly aids in digestive health.
Reduces Risk Of Cancer
Several studies have concluded that the compounds within pineapple may reduce one’s risk of cancer.
It does so by minimizing oxidative stress and reducing inflammation. Bromelain, in particular, is thought to have these properties.
In fact, one study found that bromelain helped to slow down the growth of breast cancer cells.
Another, done on mice, concluded that bromelain with anticancer therapies enhanced the outcome.
Reduces Symptoms Of Arthritis
Bromelain is somewhat the hero compound of the humble pineapple. It boasts anti-inflammatory properties that are thought to provide pain relief for people suffering from inflammatory arthritis.
One particular study concluded that bromelain supplements were as effective as regular treatment at easing the pain associated with osteoarthritis.
Another found that bromelain helped against the degradation of cartilage tissue.
Helps Recovery After Surgery And Excercise
Many studies have confirmed that bromelain helps to reduce inflammation, swelling, bruising, and pain after many types of surgery and exercise.
More research is needed to confirm this benefit, but studies so far have produced very promising results.
Delicious And Versatile
Technically, this isn’t a health benefit. But, the flavor and versatility of pineapples surely do count as a benefit of some kind.
Thanks to its sweet taste and ability to work with any meal, it couldn’t be easier to access the benefits of pineapple!
For instance, you can put it in a smoothie for breakfast, in a tropical salad for lunch, or (controversially) on top of pizza for dinner! Pineapple also works in many different kinds of desserts – so there’s no excuse for missing out on this fruit!
Is Pineapple Keto-Friendly?

So, after reading all of the wonderful health benefits associated with pineapple, you’re likely wondering… but, is it keto-friendly? Well, we hate to be the bearers of bad news, but it is unfortunately not keto-friendly.
Most fruits, although they are high in fiber, are also high in carbs. As such, most people avoid them when on a keto diet.
However, if you’re a lover of pineapple, not all hope is lost for you.
As mentioned previously, a cup of pineapple contains 21.6 grams of carbs. As such, if you want to incorporate pineapple into your keto diet, we recommend eating it in small portions, or using the juice in smoothies.
You can also use pineapple extract to add flavor to dishes.
Keto-Friendly Substitutes For Pineapple
If you would rather stick to your keto diet strictly, there are a few other types of fruits that you can eat that also boast an excellent nutritional value. Check out our favorites in the list below.
Raspberries are a great fruit to consume on a keto diet. Half a cup of raspberries contains just 3 grams of carbohydrates. They also add immense flavor and have a range of excellent health benefits.
Half a cup of blackberries contains just 4 grams of carbohydrates. As such, blackberries make for a great addition to a keto diet. They taste amazing when combined with keto-friendly greek yoghurt,
Around 7 and 8 strawberries contain 6 grams of carbohydrates. They are also great for your overall health.
They work to protect your heart, increase good cholesterol, and lower your blood pressure. They may even fight against cancer.
One plum has around 7 grams of carbohydrates. Plums are absolutely bursting full of fiber, which helps to slow down a blood sugar spike after eating carbohydrates.
They are also great for your bone health and digestive system.
One medium-sized kiwi contains 8 grams of carbohydrates. Kiwis are super high in vitamin c and dietary fiber. They are able to support digestive processes, heart health, and immunity against common viruses and diseases.
Half a cup of cherries also contains 8 grams of carbohydrates. They are bursting with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. In fact, they also bring a huge number of powerful antioxidants which are very beneficial for health.
Pineapples are an excellent addition to most diets. They are low in calories, packed with incredible nutrients, and they taste incredible! However, like many fruits, they shouldn’t be consumed if you’re following a keto diet.
We hope that this article has given you the information you need to make the most informed dietary choices possible.
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